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GAFC aims to conduct research, education, and practical projects
that embody the Kyung Hee's founding spirit of "Creating a Civilized World" and "Scholarship and Peace."

HOME Neo-Renaissance Scholarship
Neo-Renaissance Scholarship

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Kyung Hee University’s mission of “Creating of Civilized World” means that the university has supported the universal human values of freedom, equality, peace, and prosperity so as to build a better human society. Particularly, Kyung Hee proudly kept its tradition to make an effort to address challenges in modern society such as war, terrorism, environmental destruction, human alienation, overheated market competition and dehumanization caused by the misuse of modern scientific technologies.

Such efforts are summarized as the “Neo-Renaissance” spirit. The main purpose of the “Neo-Renaissance” is that humanity should take ownership of history and civilization and build “a global common society” that is “spiritually beautiful, materially affluent, and humanely rewarding” (BAR). Kyung Hee set up a “Neo-Renaissance Scholarship Program” to promote Kyung Hee’s academic culture and global practice to lead the future human civilization for this millennium.

There are three types of Neo-Renaissance Scholarships available: Social Contribution, Academic Support and Award Grants. There are a total of 10 programs under the following categories: internship, volunteer work, exchange programs, support for living expenses, special education courses, research, recognition for excellent reports, thesis support, praxis and support for articles. A total of KRW 6 billion was provided to 4027 students between 2006 and 2012. Kyung Hee has sent 220 students for internships to the UN, international organizations, NGOs and other related agencies and has supported domestic and overseas volunteering of 1200 students.