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GAFC aims to conduct research, education, and practical projects
that embody the Kyung Hee's founding spirit of "Creating a Civilized World" and "Scholarship and Peace."

HOME World Civic Forum
World Civic Forum

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The World Civic Forum is a consultative group made up of various stakeholders from academics, government, private enterprise, civic organizations and UN who work together to find solutions for global issues including climate change, environmental degradation, human rights violations, peace building and the energy and food crises. Kyung Hee University held an inaugural meeting of the World Civic Forum in May, 2009 in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the “Seoul International Conference of NGOs”” and the 60th anniversary of foundation of Kyung Hee University.

The World Civic Forum is the essence of Kyung Hee’s tradition of peace, welfare and human justice, drawing on the same source that powered the “Global Common Society Movement”, the “Human Peace Movement” and the “Neo-Renaissance Movement.” We are moving beyond the deep limitations of the “World Economic Forum” and the “World Social Forum” and building a new model for civic values, civic education, and civic leadership, with the goal of spreading them across the world.

The World Civic Forum 2009, co-organized by Kyung Hee University and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), was held at COEX in Samsung Dong, Seoul in May, 2009. The Forum addresses critical issues such as civic values and civic participation, approaches to global justice and global governance and solutions to global issues such as climate change.

The World Civic Forum 2009 was attended by 3200 people from non-government agencies, international organizations, media and governments from 57 countries (including 12 partnership agencies such as UNESCO, CoNGO, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University). Addressing the participants were Seungsoo Han, the Former Korean Prime Minister, Sha Zukang, UN Under Secretary-General, Hans D’Orville UESCO Assistant Director-General, Zhou Qifeng, President of Peking University, and Kawaguchi Kiyofumi, President of Ritsumeikan. 300 articles and papers were released at this historic forum. The Academy has not only evolved into a solid global consultative forum but also entered into a cooperative relationship that reinforces its original connection with UN DESA.

World Civic Youth Forum 2009

The World Civic Youth Forum (WCYF) was held in 2009 at Kyung Hee University Global Campus at the same time as the World Civic Forum. The WCYF Inaugural Ceremony consisted of an academic forum concerning pan-global issues such as peace, the environment, development, human rights and culture. This allowed for frank communication and exchange between international students.

Nine hundred youth voluntarily joined World Civic Youth Forum 2009 including 304 article presenters, 240 participants, 100 volunteers, 100 unregistered attendees and 40 people making up the Student Secretariat from 40 countries. The success of the event suggested to universities around the world the possibility of a global consultative body for students. Most of all, the biggest achievement of WCYF 2009 was that students from all over the world had the chance to discuss global pending issues and voice their role.

The WCYF is a platform for students to build their citizenship skills and create a practical global network. The WCYF is critical to realizing the social and global responsibility of university. In the future, the WCYF will be held together with WCF.